Full Service Portrait Studio in Sherman, Texas
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Monday, January 27, 2020
By Courtney Mitchell Photography
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At Courtney Mitchell Photography, we begin with the End in Mind.

There is little value in your portraiture investment unless you have something tangible at its conclusion to enjoy. A printed piece that lives permanently in your home will be cherished for generations to come. Plus, university research has proven that printed art of your family members provides 65% more emotional connection to your loved ones than swiping through electronic images on a device. Research has also proven that images visible and on display for your children to see, improves their sense of belonging, raises self-esteem, and instills security in their family unit. Our mission is to help you create something not only tangible for your home, but also deeply moving for you and for your children to love and adore as the years pass. There’s a reason you chose to invest in professional portraiture. We plan to ensure that reason resonates in your heart each and every day, and that your printed portrait art does nothing but grow in sentimental value as your children grow, and as time rapidly rushes by.

We are currently raising the most photographed generation in history.

Did you know that an estimated 1.2 trillion photographs were taken in 2017? With the advances of camera phones just in the last 3 years, the number is surely to have grown exponentially.  We take pictures of everything we do.  We snap pics of our kids as they do silly things, as they do dumb things, and as they do awesome things.  But will we have those pictures when they are grown and we want to show them off? Where will they be, in the cloud somewhere?  Hopefully.  But technology changes so fast that we can not guarantee that we will have access to any of it 50 years from now.  All you have to do is try to play an old VHS tape or floppy disk for proof.  

The only way to preserve your cherished photos is to PRINT them.

This is why Courtney Mitchell Photography, Certified Professional Photographer in Sherman, Texas, encourages her clients to invest in printed art. It is what is valued as the end result of your session, and the reason you commission a professional. Many photographers out there will simply sell you the digital files of your images, but what are you really getting in return? You are left to sit at your computer and sift through all the images and print them yourself. At Courtney Mitchell Photography, you don't just get a link for a download of images, but the full service of custom designed printed products that will be cherished for generations.   

Product pricing is simple.  There are no pre-arranged packages that you have to choose from.  You are able to create your own collection by choosing any two or more products from our product menu.   You can choose from Wall Art, Framed Wall Collections, Albums, Gift Prints and Digital Files.  Should you choose to purchase the digital files as a part of your collection, you also receive a keepsake box full of 4x6 printed proofs as an added bonus.

If you have been wanting to experience the best full service photography experience in Texoma, contact the studio now to book a session or a free in person consultation.

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